Listing Page:
- Admin can add new listing by Add New option.
- Admin can edit or quick edit the listing.
- Trash will delete the listing product.
- Admin can manage the listing through filters.
User Management:
- User management is done by admin.
- Admin can delete or edit individual user details.
- Admin can do multiple actions with user account using checkbox.
Login Form:
- User can login using password sent in confirmation mail.
- Php validation for login form.
- Reset password option available for registered user.
- Reset password link sent to registered email id.
My Account:
- User can manage account details, messages, etc.
- User can add or manage favorites in dashboard.
- Change location can be done in my account page.
- Logout option available in my account page.
Paypal Settings:
- Setup related with paypal can be done by admin.
- Currency setting for paypal done in this page.
- Invoice setting for statement done by admin.
Home Page:
- User can change the language.
- User can search a product with keyword, category, zip code.
- Each product is shown with small image, view count, comments, rating, and small description.
- Product distance and add to favorite option available.
- Name of merchant who posted the product is shown.
- Post are shown in list view.
- Post are shown with small image and short description.
- User can add comment for individual product.
- Rating related with the post is shown.
Membership Package:
- Admin can add membership package.
- Membership package can be deleted all by admin.
- Admin can delete the membership package individually or it can be edited.
- Admin can restrict the page/post content based on membership package.
Contact Page:
- User can ask queries using contact page.
- User must have to fill mandatory fields before asking queries.
- Email, Name and Message is compulsory for enquiry.
- Captcha validation.
Email Setup Page:
- Default email setting like From Email and From Name can be changed.
- Welcome email, new listing and listing contact form email confirmation managed.
- Listing expiry emails manages could be done.
- Email managing for membership expiry.
- Successful or failure email confirmation for order can be managed.
Advertise Offering:
- User can post offer using listing available.
- User by using listing option can post product in various category listed in site.
- Based on the listing price and value of the product increases.
- Listing could be in various forms like Free, Urgent, and Special Listing.
- User can know about listing by clicking on particular listing.
General Settings:
- Site title, Site address, email address, date & time format are managed.
- Admin can manage the mail server.
- Admin can manage the post.
- Admin can manage the comment.
- Admin can manage the logo of the whole site.
Setup Page:
- Admin can change the Layout design for website.
- Admin can edit the current theme.
- Admin can change layout for each and every page individually.
- Admin change the site work as responsive or not.
Key features of OLX Clone:
- Multiple Payment Gateways
- Building Advertisement
- Easy Customization
- Different Revenue Model
- SEO Friendly
- Private Message
- Contact Forms
- Package Listing
- Responsive Design