Abhibus Clone Script
Abhibus Clone wish to be one or other way the same and if you want to start a site just as same as “”, then you have reached the right place. Our Abhibus Clone Script has all the relevant features and benefits that could result in bringing a hike to your business career.
Our Script comes with Mobile Application – Both Android and IOS.
For more details :
Check out our detailed Proposal
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 0431 – 400616
Mobile : +91 7339131505
Skype : doditsolutions
Super Admin
Affiliations booking modules
Wallet user modules
Seat seller
White label
Multiple API integrations
Own bus inventory management
Unique Mark up, Commission and service charge for agent wise
- Login
- Forgot password
- Registration
- Search
- Wallet
- Payment page
- Bill
- Check refund status
- Login
- Control panel
- Booking report
- Reports
- Wallet deposit
- Print ticket
- Cancellation
- Login
- Statistics
- General settings
- City management
- Luxury item management
- Route management
- User management
- Passengers management
- Bus type management
- Bus booking
- Bus management
- Cancel Bus
- Payment management
- Commission management
- Cancellation policies
- Bus service details
- Bus booking advantage
- Bulk sms management
- Sms log details
- Email log details
- Manage banners
- Manage marquee text
- Coupon
- Tickets sold (day,month,year)
- Admin management
- Admin Access for each menus and features can control.
- Admin, employee and manager’s access and roles can be managed.
- Tickets sold (day,month,year)
- Ticket sale graph
- City management
- Manage the city details (edit, status, delete, pagination)
- Route management
- User management
- Manage the users details (edit,delete,status)
- Passengers management
- Ticket details/Booker details
- Seat details
- Bus type management
- Ticket booking managed
- Ticket cancellation
- Seat managed
- Payment managed
- Commission managed
- Refund status
- Cancelling Policy
- Bus service details
- Advantage of ticket booking
- Bulk SMS managed
- Sms log details
- Email log details
- Banners managed
- Manage marquee text
- Day-to-day offer coupon codes would be generated.
- Sign in sign up options.
- Personal my account details with history.
- Reports for all booked, cancel and return tickets.
- Get Email Options.
- Get SMS Options.
- Search option enabled for source city and destination city.
- Check on available bus details and boarding point.
- Can view en-numbers of bus snaps and videos.
- User Wallet available.
- Payment Gateway enabled.
- Print tickets.
- Cancel Tickets.
- Fund transfer.
- Check refund status by entering the ticket number.
- Coupon codes.
- Promotions codes.
- Wallet offers credits.
- Refer a friends…etc
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gooood work